Archive by Author

Common People

3 Jul

One thing i’ve noticed about Second Life is that is has become a hideout for many, a place where they can be someone or something else or, what is more important, a place to be themselves without being scared of people judging them. And i am really glad some have found happiness here.

Furries, goreans, dwarves, elves, shemales and even child avies. I must say i am against child like avies because i don’t like the idea of an adult pretending he’s a kid. Call me old fashioned. But that is not what i want to write about today.

This availabily to create a character allows a few people to play some kind of role that has nothing to do with their real personality or that is how they really feel inside but never had the chance to express it in their real lives. And there’s is nothing wrong with it…unless you are doing it to be “cool” to others. Playing a role to please others in a virtual world when you can be anything else that makes YOU happy is a mistake some make too often.

I’ve seen average heterosexual women playing the role of a male trans, or even joke about being a nymphomaniac, or having “exotic” sexual preferences. And i repeat, there is nothing wrong with being a nymph, trans, or anything if that is really what YOU feel like or are on the inside. But i think pretending it just because you think it’s “cool” is wrong. I am glad to have friends of all kinds and conditions both in Second Life and Real Life, and some of them had a hard time dealing with their different ways of enjoying and living their sexuality. This is why pisses me off that someone thinks it’s funny for example being a nymphomanic when actually it is nothing fun at all.

This said, i’ll leave you this vid. The lyrics apply very well to how i feel now:

Amelie in Wonderland

29 Jun

Amelie was always a very curious girl, she loved investigating, exploring and always learning new things from the weirdest situations. One day, while in her lovely garden, she saw a very cute rabbit running through the flowers. She even could hear him scream: i’m late!!!late to my own party!!
Party, that was the magic word. Amelie couldn’t do anything else than follow the little rabbit, it was getting dark so she didn’t saw the hole in the ground.

And she was falling and falling…til she landed on some other garden. It was getting dark and cold, and no sign of the rabbit. Hmmm maybe in that castle…

– Hello, are you a queen?
– Yes, i am Amelie, the Red Queen of Wonderland.
– Ooohhh what a coincidence, my name is Amelie too!!
– It is a very common name here…
– Have you seen a white rabbit?
– Yes, he went to the party through that red door. Unfortunately they didn’t invite me…maybe it’s because i like cutting some heads off once in a while…
– Oh that is a shame, well i’ll try going to the party. Take care Queen Amelie.

– Hello my name is Amelie, can i join your party?
– Oh yes, my name is Amelie too. Take a seat next to me, said a woman with a strange hat with birds on top of it.

– I am Amelie and i own Le Cirque Du Freaks here in Wonderland. This is the white rabbit’s birthday, and those are his sister Amelie and his girlfriend Amelie, with their kid on her hat.

– Ohhh pleased to meet you, you all have very nice hats!!
– I am glad you like them Amelie, i am Amelie, the mad hatter and i made all these hats as well as the one Amelie, the card sitting next to me, is wearing. Maybe i could make one for you!

– Oohhh i’d love that!!!

And then we all heard screams and thunders outside…as one dark cloud was getting close to the castle…

4 months

27 Jun


4 months of laughin’ til my face and my tummy ache.

4 months of feeling you there when i needed you…and when i wanted you ;p

4 months of almost being late at work, you know why.

4 months of feeling extremely lucky.

4 months of being so happy in sl that it is reflecting in my rl too.

4 months of honesty.

4 months of gigglesnorting and several squeeeking (lol).

4 months…and still not a single fight!!!

The Geekgasm Hunt

25 Jun

Are you a geek? And proud of it?

If the answer to these questions is yes, or if you just feel sympathy for everything geek related, then this hunt is for you!!!41 stores with awesome gifts for the übergeek ❤

I finnished it yesterday and had a hard time taking pics of all items so you can have a preview. Most of them look much better in-world than in the pics, so don’t hesitate and hunt them yourself!!


Here i am wearing gifts from #1 (shape, skin and ears), #2 (bow tie and glasses), #4 (bracelete), #7 (DNA summer dress), #10 (hat)

#5 (ears), #6 (talk nerdy to me female outfit, has a male version too)

#3(tardis lamp), #8 (glowin penguin lamp and shoulder sitter), #9( skin, hairbase, 3d glasses and teeth layer), #11 (pose and cane)

#12- (Cthulu Plushie and hair), #13 (go fishy lava lamp), #14 (first spring home, this one looks waaay better in full view and in world), #15 (blow me nintendo shirt and i spy with my little omfggg tattoo)

#16 (rubiks, earing and ring), #17 geek ultra nook, #18 male shirt (nerd is the new sexy, comes with a female shirt too but i prefer this one), #19 geek survival backpack, #30 phone neck strap

#20 Urkel outfit (female) and light saber umbrella

#21 ivory pearl earing, #22 boom! head shot tank, #24 shocked nerd sweater on waist,
#25 cthulhu (mouth), #26 turn me on eyes, #28 princess peach mizu makeover, #29 mario nails shroom, #31 pose (5 from a set of 5)

#23 do it like a nerd outfit, #34 gamegirl beanbag and gaming device, #37 nerding you earings

#27 afk pac-man style sign, has an afk on top of the avi’s head but it’s not shown on the picture, pac-man ghost on mouth & vulcan shirt, #36 shy geek pose 1, #39 lunatic lanyards blue (neck)

#32 geek t-shirt

#33 argyle anonimous shirt and pants, nerdy glasses and herman tie, #36 shy geek pose 2

#35 1<3u shirt

#38 reading pillows, #40 what i am hoodie jacket

#41 hands


Like it? Then go hunting!! Starting point is @ Ello Poppet and it runs from 7am SLT on June23rd to July 13th (a whopping nine days longer than last year!), and hunters will be looking for a tiny prim Nintendo Entertainment System (NES :). Look for the Geekgasm group in-world to meet some fellow hunters and get the notecard with all the hints. Happy hunting!!




Is there a cure for stupidity?

23 Jun

Brian Pickrell once said: “The two most common elements in the universe are hydrogen and stupidity. But not in that order.”
And i totally agree. Considering stupidity is often defined as lack of intelligence or understanding i think it goes further. I consider myself an intelligent person. Yes i am not the brightest or the wisest ( not yet at least ;p) but i have a brain and i use it most of the time. This said, i admit i’ve been quite stupid at times too so…can stupidity be cured or, at least, prevented?

I started my investigation in Dr. Smartass’ clinic for metal disorders, checked tons of reports and phoned some colleages…but nothing.


Hmmm maybe it has something to do with the brain structure itself, or maybe it’s in the genes, travelling through your veins…passing from mom to children… Is it possible that certain brains are meant to be more stupid since birth?


No, that is not possible since really dumb parent sometimes have very bright kids, and viceversa.

When i was lost, deliberating, trying to find the clue…it came to me naturally.

A book from a shelf fell on my head, was painful since it was a thick one, but that gave me the answer…


Yes,i know reading a book wont save the world from stupidity, and there are also some people with  a high culture that are amazingly stupid. But i also think the more you read about several subjects, the more you learn and the more your mind opens. And someone with some culture and an open mind is less likely to act like a moron. Even though we all have our moments of dumbness…


When Verne met Jules

21 Jun

A few weeks after his first breakup, i thought it would be great taking Verne to the circus. I decided going to my fave circus…but it was closed!!!

That didn’t stop us though, the elephants were there so I jumped on stage to show the little creepy what an entertainer i am…



– Mommy!!!!The elephant is gonna eat you!!!

– Don’t worry silly, i don’t taste like peanuts at all, i will be ok.

– But what if he likes meat?

– Ok, you’re right, let’s go outside. I think i smell cotton candy!!



– Mommy, look what i found!!!!It is a little clockwork girl!!

– I am not a girl, i am a boy!!!, answered the little creature raising his metallic voice.

– But you wear a bow!!

– I like bows. If you live in a jar it means you’re a pickle?, answered the strange baby.

– No, of course not!

– Then i can wear a bow if i feel like it.


I thought they both looked very cute in their little fight and got them some cotton candy so they could make friends sharing some sweetness.


– So, what is your name?, i asked.

– My name is Jules, i work here selling cotton candy.

– Oh nice, and your parents?Where do you live?

– They left a long time ago, went to tour around Asia with some Indian Gypsy Circus. Come, i will show you my home.


– This is where is sleep and these naked guys in the picture are my parents. Mom always said i look like dad when he was young, what do you think?

– Ermmm yes…kind of…nevermind.

I let Jules and Verne play in the sun, while i sat there thinking, and thinking…How could i leave a little baby alone, having to sell cotton candy for a living?


– Hey, you two, wanna live together like brothers in our place?

It is hard to see tears of joy in a clockwork machine, and even harder on Verne, living in a jar full of liquid…but i am sure they were crying happily.


So, said and done we took Jules to our place. The poor creature was exhausted i think because, as soon as we landed, he fell asleep in my arms.



19 Jun

Some people say changes scare them as they prefer following their own old comfy routines, day after day…
For me changes are one of my fave spices to flavour my life. A change always allows you to live something new and, what is more important, learn something new.
Sooo…appart from some changes that i am veery looking forward in my life, i changed the layout of this blog, edited the new fashion section (check the “look at me” tab, and i am working on new stuff about Verne and…the shapeshifter ;p

Of course i’d like to know your oppinion on the new blog, so go ahead and tell me. I am still working on it, but they say two brains work better than one…

Oh, and today i’ll start djing in a new club!!!!


Been working on the setlist , and i am pretty excited with the result. Hope you like it and that you join me!!


The name of the club is Rock U: The University Of Rock, and i am ready to teach you a thing…or two!

Wanna come? You can find your taxi here .



14 Jun


Sometimes, not knowing exactly why, i am happy as i could be. I smile all day, no matter what happens or the worries and problems i might have, i just smile and go on with renewed strenght.
Sometimes you just wake up too sensitive, or too silly, or just too vulnerable and the most simple things can make you cry or feel sad.
Sometimes i look at the mirror and absolutely love what i see, specially since i am more conscient of what i eat and the posibilities i have of changing what i don’t exactly fancy about me.
Sometimes too not all the make up in the world can make you see yourself pretty, forgetting that truely beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Sometimes i wonder how certain people could make it to be adults and have a job and a quite normal life without a single brain cell alive. Seriously.
Sometimes, in the hardest circumstances, amazes me how true talent and intelligence can shine through anything. Unfortunately this is extremely rare, but everytime i see it i have faith in humankind.
Sometimes we can work hard to achieve our goals, our dreams…and we get knocked out by how hard life can be, we sink in our own problems when sometimes the way out is so simple it’s silly.
And sometimes, only sometimes, in the middle of an ordinary life love gives us a fairytale.

And this is why i still believe…

Jump up Jump up (and get down)

12 Jun

One of the best things about Second Life is being able to perform acts and live experiences you forgot about or never had the chance to. Great creators have helped creating a whole universe to live, explore, and enjoy…and allow us to create our fantasy world ourselves using their creations.

I love decorating in real life, so how could i not love it in Second Life? And it is much easier (and cheaper) changing decoration in a virtual world , at least you don’t need anyone to help you moving furniture!

I bet you all have seen many beds in sl with great sex animations, some even have sound (which in my oppinion is awful), and the typical cuddling stuff. But i never found before a bed with a jumping animation!!!



And i think fits perfectly in my new treehouse!!!


Yes, i know i said i’d post pics of my new place but i want to make a proper phototour, and i want Karm to see it inworld first. For now i am going to edit a section of this blog. One of the pages will be dedicated to fashion, styling and so. Since i get some people asking me inworld where i buy my stuff (and since i don’t mind people “copying” my clothes) i will post pictures with directions to where to get my clothing and hair.

I will leave you with a video of one of those “one hit wonders”, one that reminds me of when i was…well, younger.


Jump around!!!!


Free hugs!!!

7 Jun

According to wikipedia, a hug is a form of physical intimacy, that usually involves closing or holding the arms around the neck, back, or waist of another person; if more than two persons are involved, this is referred to as a group hug. A hug, sometimes in association with a kiss, eye contact or other gestures, is a form of nonverbal communication. Depending on culture, context and relationship, a hug can indicate familiarity, love, affection or friendship. One person may hug another as an indication of support, comfort, and consolation. A hug can be a demonstration of affection and emotional warmth, sometimes arising out of joy or happiness at meeting someone. Sometimes, hugs are a romantic exchange.

Unlike some other forms of physical intimacy, when both parties mutually engage in the act, a hug can be practiced publicly and privately without stigma in many countries, religions and cultures, within families, and also across age and gender lines,[citation needed] but is generally an indication that people are familiar with each other. An unexpected hug can be regarded as an invasion of a person’s personal space, but if it is reciprocated it is an indication that it is welcome. Also, a person, especially a child, may caress and hug a doll or stuffed animal. Young children will also hug their parents when they feel threatened by an unfamiliar person.

Unlike a kiss, a hug is not usually undertaken as part of a ritual or social act. However, it is a custom in Spain and, by proxy, in Latin American countries for male friends to hug (as well as slap each other on the back) in a joyous greeting, such as on a New Year.

The other day i heard on the tv that, in a certain region in north Spain, 1 out of every 10 adults didn’t have any friend. I don’t have many people i consider friends myself, maybe 4 or 5 (plus my mom, i’ve always considered her my friend though we argue quite a lot), but i have some people i go out with sometimes, and i hug them too!

Now we have internet, we have fancy cars, we work lots to get more money to buy more stuff…and we miss spending time with the people we care about, if we care about anyone else i mean.

So today i am sending you all this virtual bear hug, wishing you a great week and hoping that you hug someone today!!!