Tag Archives: Shopping

The Geekgasm Hunt

25 Jun

Are you a geek? And proud of it?

If the answer to these questions is yes, or if you just feel sympathy for everything geek related, then this hunt is for you!!!41 stores with awesome gifts for the übergeek ❤

I finnished it yesterday and had a hard time taking pics of all items so you can have a preview. Most of them look much better in-world than in the pics, so don’t hesitate and hunt them yourself!!


Here i am wearing gifts from #1 (shape, skin and ears), #2 (bow tie and glasses), #4 (bracelete), #7 (DNA summer dress), #10 (hat)

#5 (ears), #6 (talk nerdy to me female outfit, has a male version too)

#3(tardis lamp), #8 (glowin penguin lamp and shoulder sitter), #9( skin, hairbase, 3d glasses and teeth layer), #11 (pose and cane)

#12- (Cthulu Plushie and hair), #13 (go fishy lava lamp), #14 (first spring home, this one looks waaay better in full view and in world), #15 (blow me nintendo shirt and i spy with my little omfggg tattoo)

#16 (rubiks, earing and ring), #17 geek ultra nook, #18 male shirt (nerd is the new sexy, comes with a female shirt too but i prefer this one), #19 geek survival backpack, #30 phone neck strap

#20 Urkel outfit (female) and light saber umbrella

#21 ivory pearl earing, #22 boom! head shot tank, #24 shocked nerd sweater on waist,
#25 cthulhu (mouth), #26 turn me on eyes, #28 princess peach mizu makeover, #29 mario nails shroom, #31 pose (5 from a set of 5)

#23 do it like a nerd outfit, #34 gamegirl beanbag and gaming device, #37 nerding you earings

#27 afk pac-man style sign, has an afk on top of the avi’s head but it’s not shown on the picture, pac-man ghost on mouth & vulcan shirt, #36 shy geek pose 1, #39 lunatic lanyards blue (neck)

#32 geek t-shirt

#33 argyle anonimous shirt and pants, nerdy glasses and herman tie, #36 shy geek pose 2

#35 1<3u shirt

#38 reading pillows, #40 what i am hoodie jacket

#41 hands


Like it? Then go hunting!! Starting point is @ Ello Poppet and it runs from 7am SLT on June23rd to July 13th (a whopping nine days longer than last year!), and hunters will be looking for a tiny prim Nintendo Entertainment System (NES :). Look for the Geekgasm group in-world to meet some fellow hunters and get the notecard with all the hints. Happy hunting!!




Fantasy Faire and Relay For Life: The Power Of Imagination

16 Apr

Sorry everyone for the delay, but i’ve had a busy and lazy week at the same time. Hope you have had a great week and are starting a nice weekend!

This said, i must show you all how amazing was the Fantasy Faire event that took part in Second Life. Proving not only that SL is not only a game for fun, but it can bring people together to raise funds for a good cause: helping others fight against cancer. Due to several circumstances i payed my visit the last day and i have to say i regret not visiting earlier, with plenty of time to explore.

Taken from the Fantasy Fair press note:

Started three years ago as a benefit for Relay for Life and the American Cancer Society, the Fantasy Faire of Second Life has raised more than $25,000 USD. For 2011 the goal of the Faire team, Friends Fighting Cancer, is to nearly double that amount by raising an additional $20,000 USD.

The Fantasy Faire 2011 features eight themed shopping sims, and a separate Events and Auctions sim which will border the American Cancer Society Island for the entire run of the Faire.

Twelve designers have worked, some alone, some in tandem, to create the Faire sims. They have had less than a month to develop and less than a week to install nine sims that are each a testament to their talents as builders and artists and to the spirit of Relay for Life.

Over 150 of Seconds Life’s top fantasy creators line the paths of the shopping sims, with a range of genres and styles from Elven, Fae, Steampunk, Mer, Goth, SciFi, and the gamut from tinies to Dragons. Every sim is a melange of elements and from door to door you’ll find clothing, avatars, furnishings, pre-fab houses and the kitchen sink filled with gooey chocolate.”

If you want, you can also find Relay For Life in Second Life

And now i will guide you through the 8 sims, shame just a few pics of my fave places can’t express all the beauty and the peace i found while capturing these images:

-Dark Mirage Sim:

This is where i chose to start my trip. It’s a dark, magical sim with a kinda arabian taste. Think kinda art deco and arabian pieces and mysterious landscaping and you might get a bit of the taste it had, at least for me. My fave spot?:

-Enchanted Mysts:

The place i chose to rest a bit before continuing the journey. Classy beautifully crafted buildings surrounded by elven like landscape, totally worth taking some time to just relax and enjoy.

-Exotic Worlds:

Interactive sim full of secret places to explore and delight yourself. Definetely one of my fave sims!!!

-Fantastical and Magical sim:

Faerie tales? That paradise you dreamed about when you were a kid? This sim brings together everything you could dream about when your imagination ruled your world. I felt like a little girl in a toy store 🙂

-Forest of Light:

Fantastic creatures in an enchanted forest where anyone would like to get lost for a while.

-Forest of Shadow:

Deep dark astonishing forest, no matter how deep you explore, you’ll always find something capturing your attention and not letting you go.

-Nemo Revisited:

A true tribute to Verne and the era of inventions. My fave part was the submarine where i found Nemo’s workshop:

Neptune was showing the way to the next sim…

-Sea of Mer:

The paradise any mermaid would love living in. To enjoy it appropiately i chose to become a mermaid myself using my Merlust outfit by Panda Express , mermaid skin by The Plastik and the Aloha hair by Truth Hair.
This was the sim where i spent most time, selected my fave pics to show you:

And this is all, sorry for the long post but didnt want to miss anything. I’d like to thank the creators of this huge event for their hard work and the amazing effort they’ve made to raise funds for a cause that really touches my heart.

The Über Nerd & The Pussy in Boots: A Bizarre Love Story

4 Apr

Über Nerd: The ultimate in nerdisity; nerdus maximus. A nerd that other nerds look upon as a God amongst their species. This nerd is often assembled from parts of lesser nerds.
Pussy in Boots: French literary fairy tale about a cat who uses trickery and deceit to gain power, wealth, and the hand of a princess in marriage for his penniless and low-born master. The tale was written at the close of the seventeenth century by Charles Perrault (1628–1703).
FemDom: Female Domination (this one was easy, huh?)

Put together these three and you’ll get the most bizarre love story ever!!

I was wandering around, shopping and looking for new stuff to wear in my crazy events and also more casual stuff. Not sure how i ended in a place called “Dominion FemDom”. I was standing there with my shiny new red boots, trying to choose from different outfits, making myself that question. do i really need this? Suddenly i heard a low, nasal and kinda weird voice saying:

Like two foci of an elliptical
Your eyes entice me
Cause my cardiac muscles
To palpitate
As I estimate the distance
Between us
I’ve arrived
At the conclusion
That you’re sitting
Approximately 5 feet and 23 centimeters
Away from me
7 and one half millimeters closer
Than yesterday
As you sit there
And I calculate your potential energy
I find myself wishing
That I could change
Y= mx + b
Into y = Unext2me
You are my complementary angle
I long to whisper
That Newton’s laws
Were created just for you
Of course that’s not true
But logic doesn’t matter anymore
Because my feelings for you are growing exponentially
Like radiation, you penetrate through my skin
You watched my veins branch like fractals
While I reached for the pencil that you dropped
You listened to the logarithm my heart produced
At a near inaudible frequency
As I returned the pencil
To it’s rightful owner
Like absolute zero
All molecules within me halted
In that moment
Your centripetal force sent me spinning
And though they say opposites attract
You didn’t even utter a thank you
It figures
Seeing as the probability of you noticing me
Is exactly .41 in 10,731
But I long
To cosine my name on a love note
Addressed to you
You are the Pascal behind my triangle
And you can count on the fact
that I’ll calc-u-later

(poem by gogetenks8)

I had to turn my back and found this guy with weird looks, pens in his shirt pocket, awful glasses, a face full of spots and a mark from his iron on the back of the shirt.

– Who are you?
– I am an über nerd, and i want to be pwned by you.
– Pwned?, i asked.
– Yes, Ma’am.

So he gave me the leash to guide his collar and we were exploring around that FemDom place. At first i felt a bit weird, i believe in the free will and wasn’t sure if this whole domination thing was my cup of tea.

After a while i have to admit it was big fun!!!Poor nerdy having to follow me all around the place, forced to shop til i drop…mwahahahaha!!!We even made friends with some other Mistresses and their subs and, after some convo about Anton Aus Tirol , he wanted to go home.

As soon as we got home, he started to feel poorly, “maybe something i ate” he said…Then he ripped his clothes, screamed like an animal and…i couldn’t believe my eyes!!!

So now i have the biggest and strongest sub in the whole Second Life grid!!!

Quick, catch that train fast!!!!!

12 Mar

What’s better for a lazy saturday morning than a quiet walk with Verne? We found a steampunk sim that’s still under construction, City17. You can find very interesting stores there, and a charming post-apocalyptic atmosphere aswell.

We can’t wait to see it finnished, sure it deserves a visit!!

While wandering around something caught Verne’s attention…a train!!

I’ve always loved trains, i enjoy sitting on a train station, just watching them come and go, wondering about the people travelling in them, their stories…yes, i have a very vivid imagination!
It is the same with planes or ships, but trains have this poetic thing that really charms me.

In life, you can sit comfortably in a wagon and enjoy the views from your window, while others guide your train…

Or you can take control and drive it yourself! Requires more skills and also some bravery, but sure it pays back!
As everything, the trains you choose to take are really important as, depending on the ones you take, your life will get to a different destiny. But, in my oppinion, it’s equally important to enjoy the trip, wherever it takes you.

-Quick Verne, we’re missing that train!
-Where will it take us, mom?
-No idea, we’ll find out once we get there love.