Tag Archives: DJ


19 Jun

Some people say changes scare them as they prefer following their own old comfy routines, day after day…
For me changes are one of my fave spices to flavour my life. A change always allows you to live something new and, what is more important, learn something new.
Sooo…appart from some changes that i am veery looking forward in my life, i changed the layout of this blog, edited the new fashion section (check the “look at me” tab, and i am working on new stuff about Verne and…the shapeshifter ;p

Of course i’d like to know your oppinion on the new blog, so go ahead and tell me. I am still working on it, but they say two brains work better than one…

Oh, and today i’ll start djing in a new club!!!!


Been working on the setlist , and i am pretty excited with the result. Hope you like it and that you join me!!


The name of the club is Rock U: The University Of Rock, and i am ready to teach you a thing…or two!

Wanna come? You can find your taxi here .


Bitchy beach party

30 May

Thanx to the Unlikely Lads blog i found some awesome speedos. You could think they were too daring to be worn but, is there anything too daring for Jops? I doubt that.
So, i took the chance and arranged a beach party for my weekly set at SL Addicts . Add some sand, palm trees, cold beer and some fruity milkshakes, invite some hawt people wearing swimwear and there you go…the perfect bitchy beach party!!!!

Now tell me if those speedos dont deserve an event!!!

Yes, Frig couldn’t ressist showing off his swim fashion ;p

Here you can even perv Karm’s frontside…

And her backside too!!!

Some other peeps showed up, even Hope was there but she didn’t dare to wear her bikini ;p and i couldn’t find the moment to take more pics so i hope you like the selection i made.

Thanx all for joining me and i am accepting ideas for upcoming parties!!

When Super Woman met Super Grover

25 Apr

As a superwoman, sometimes i feel a bit lonely, guys have always been scared of my super powers. Seems than certain men have a problem dealing with women who are stronger than them.
Decided to just go out and have some fun, after all maybe i could meet some new friends to hang out and have a laugh…
While shakin’ my super ass on the dancefloor, felt someone was looking straight at me, slowly walked to where i was and said: fancy a dance?

How could i resist? Strong but soft at the same time and…blue. A true gentleman in every way.
After chatting a bit the club closed, so it was time to move somewhere else.

-Wanna come to my island?, he said.
– Sure, let’s fly there!!!, i answered.

I dont know if it was the sounds of the sea, the candles, the stars…but something started and we couldn’t stop it!!!
I never thought muppets could actually have sex, but…here’s the graphic proof:

Mmmmm Grover, that’s what i call super sex!!!!

Just when we were gettign romantic, i realised how late it was.

– Shiiiiiiit, there’s a superheroes party i have to dj!!!!!!!
– No worries, sexy thing, we’ll fly there in a minute.

Said and done, we got to SL Addicts in a heartbeat and i was ready to rock the party with my super tuneage!!!

Soon after the rest of super fellows arrived there, after some dancing we got hungry so we sent Captain America to call the Ninja Turtles and get us some pizza but…

This was the last time we saw him, i bet he and those turtles had a pizza fest without us!!

Thor had two dance partners, who were actually the same person: Catwoman and Elastigirl.

Wonderwoman (aka Hope) saw a guy hiding in a corner and asked him to dance…and how cute they looked!!!!Green Hornet (aka Ambro) was soooo happy he couldn’t believe it!!He didn’t even mind not having any pizza to eat.

And yes, you’ve seen it right…Hulk was there too!!!!!Suddenly Grover dissapeared between my arms and Hulk rezzed there…could it be they are the same person/hero?

Apres-ski Tirolese Drunk German In Mallorca Party

9 Apr

Weird name for a party you could think but, in fact, it is the most suitable for what happened yesterday at SL Addicts!!!
One week ago, while spinning Anton Aus Tirol and seeing the reaction to such an awesome tune, i got the idea of a tirolese kinda party and…guess what? No one dared to stop me!!!
So, i got my lederhosen, my goat and 2 hours of “torture tunes” and headed to the club.

Hope was already there with the beer!!!!…maybe she thought she was gonna need it?Love ya girl!

The smell of the beer attracted Joppem Aus Tirol, he brought his own beer to make sure we had enough booze to survive the tuneage and showed us how to dance the traditional tiroler folk dance and how delightful movements he made!!

Two more tirolers came skiing straight from the Alps, they didn’t event take off their skis to dance, stole some beers from Hope and started to speak words only drunk germans can understand so…

i accepted Jops belgian beers and decided it was time to please the masses with my sweet voice (LOL). I didn’t even cared about following the lyrics, and i bet they didn’t notice!!

And guess what? Even the sexy Karmannghia McGinnis joined the party!!!She didn’t dare to wear a lederhosen, but she chose a very nice dress to match the spirit of the event!!!

I have to admit, while doing the setlist, i was wondering if anyone would manage to survive and stay for two full hours, even with me singing more than usual!!But i had in mind making someone laugh, and i think i made it!!!

Some came and left, but they stayed and they all deserved to take a new friend home…

Isn’t she cute?

Maybe i should design a shirt: “i survived Ame’s tirolese party” lmao!!

The bear and the inflatable lover

26 Feb

While getting the setlist ready for my friday party at SL Addicts i couldnt imagine the kind of patrons that joined my set ;p
Theme was sexiest avi and prize was 69 linden dollars and a TNT Sex Bed, and you know when you say sex anything can happen!!
I am really glad Karm and Jops could join us!!It is always fun, but it’s much better with friends 🙂

We were all having a blast, and looks like the tuneage and the smexxyness floating in the air got Makin in the mood for some lovin’. He looked for a volunteer, but all the girls were busy shakin’ their pixels to my music, so he had to use his imagination…and those gadgets hidden in your inventory you usually dont dare to take out!!

Tracy did her best to fulfill his needs, but seems he had too much energy to spend…and a huge amount of lube!!
Suddenly, he invited Bernie the Bear to his own orgy…here’s the graphic proof:

I wonder if Verne will have a cousin soon…