Common People

3 Jul

One thing i’ve noticed about Second Life is that is has become a hideout for many, a place where they can be someone or something else or, what is more important, a place to be themselves without being scared of people judging them. And i am really glad some have found happiness here.

Furries, goreans, dwarves, elves, shemales and even child avies. I must say i am against child like avies because i don’t like the idea of an adult pretending he’s a kid. Call me old fashioned. But that is not what i want to write about today.

This availabily to create a character allows a few people to play some kind of role that has nothing to do with their real personality or that is how they really feel inside but never had the chance to express it in their real lives. And there’s is nothing wrong with it…unless you are doing it to be “cool” to others. Playing a role to please others in a virtual world when you can be anything else that makes YOU happy is a mistake some make too often.

I’ve seen average heterosexual women playing the role of a male trans, or even joke about being a nymphomaniac, or having “exotic” sexual preferences. And i repeat, there is nothing wrong with being a nymph, trans, or anything if that is really what YOU feel like or are on the inside. But i think pretending it just because you think it’s “cool” is wrong. I am glad to have friends of all kinds and conditions both in Second Life and Real Life, and some of them had a hard time dealing with their different ways of enjoying and living their sexuality. This is why pisses me off that someone thinks it’s funny for example being a nymphomanic when actually it is nothing fun at all.

This said, i’ll leave you this vid. The lyrics apply very well to how i feel now:

Sing me a song