Tag Archives: Fantasy

The Wasp & The Butterfly

22 Mar

I’ve always thought butterflies are one of the most beautiful creatures on earth. I even have one tattooed since the day i turned 18 years old (yes, that’s a while ago now ;p). One could think they’re fragile and it’s true they don’t have a long life but, despite their gracefulness, some of them can do amazing things.
The Monarch migrates over long distances and creates an amazing natural spectacle every year. Some have developed symbiotic and parasitic relationships with social insects such as ants. Even though some species can damage domestic crops or trees, others are agents of pollination of some plants, and even eat harmful insects. Not to mention the times their image has been used by artists over the centuries.

Today i found this fable by Aesop (translated by Laura Gibbs), and i want to share it with you:

———–The Wasp & The Butterfly————

A butterfly noticed a wasp flying by and exclaimed, ‘What an unfair turn of events this is! In our previous lifetimes, when we inhabited the bodies from whose mortal remains we received our souls, I was the one who spoke eloquently in times of peace and fought bravely in war, and I was first among my fellows in all of the arts! Yet look at me now, an utter frivolity, crumbling into ashes as I flutter here and there. You, on the other hand, were formerly a mule, a beast of burden, yet now you stab and wound anyone you want with your sting.’ The wasp then uttered words that are worth repeating: ‘It does not matter what we used to be: the important thing is what we are now!’

Note: This fable derives from the ancient belief that wasps would spring from the carcass of a dead mule or horse (e.g. Aelian, Characteristics of Animals 1.28), while a spirit or ‘psyche’ would take shape in the form of a butterfly (Aristotle, History of Animals 551a).

The Lion King & The Fearless Elf

20 Mar

They say he’s the king of the jungle . Humans fear him and animals run away scared when they see him. He’s been known through the history for being one of the most ferocious creatures, and its face is one of the most widely recognized animal symbols.

I try to not make quick judgements about anything or anyone, and i tend to think the best from everything…until i am given a reason not to! Yes, i’ve had my dissapointments too, but don’t think i’ve had more than those who never trust anyone or those who make their own concept about you before even getting to actually know you.

Unfortunately, too often we let our prejudices dominate us, and we miss experiences worth living, places worth visiting…and creatures worth dancing with!!!

He’s wild, he stinks, but he’s oh so cuddable!!! Plus i am never cold at night with him around 🙂

Luck O’ The Elvish

18 Mar

Luck: an unknown and unpredictable phenomenon that causes an event to result one way rather than another; “bad luck caused his downfall”; “we ran into each other by pure chance”

People have been trying to find ways to attract good luck through the centuries, and in every country or even culture there are objects that are known for “bringing” good luck to you: lucky charms.

Four leaf clover, rabbit’s foot, horsehoe, wishbone…which one is your fave? I personally do not have faith in any object. I think the most important thing is being positive, keeping in mind that even though you might have problems (as everyone else), all bad things have also a good side, and viceversa. I don’t know if it’s because i always try to look to the brighter side of my life, but i consider myself pretty lucky both in Second Life and in Real Life. You can wear all the lucky charms in the world, but if you’re whining all the time about what is wrong with your life without really moving a single finger to fix it…things aren’t likely to get better for you.

All this said, i do love clovers…and green colour is known to bring hope (at least in Spain).
Green and clovers…add some irish songs and a few pints of Guinness and you’re ready for St. Patrick’s day!!!

I chose spending this night in the Real Life, ‘cos RL pints are much tastier!!! Only thing is at least virtual alcochol doesn’t give you a huge hangover. Hope i can be in good condition to dj tonight at SL Addicts!!!!!!

Oh my deer!!!

24 Feb

Have you ever roleplayed? If so, what are your experiences?
I think SecondLife is some kind of role play , at least for some peeps, but i never tried my hand at rp’ing.

Since i found out about NeverWhere, a rp sim with pirates, elves, merfolks and some other fantasy creatures i’ve been wanting to write a post about it. The url provided will take you to Panda Express Main Store. Click the NeverWhere poster to get the rules, observer tag and info and use the teleporter to start exploring.
Since once you start roleplaying there you cant change shape or hair colour, i’d thought i could try something i’ve never wore and see what happens.

Oh Deer by Panda Express

The Sim info notecard says:
THIS IS A MATURE SIM! Adult actions are preformed here! Dark adult actions! To include but not limited too:

I am surprised that anyone wants to perform a rape rp action, since it is one of the worst things that can happen to anyone. Certain sexual games can be fun , but rape?
Anyway, the part that also catched my attention was the canibalism bit. Since an avi has a soul, and it’s made of pixels…can my pixels be eaten by a hungry cannibal avi?

Hungry for more information i started touring this awesome place. Wether if you are into rp’ing or not the place itself is worth a visit. I got my eyes whide open just in case someone tried to eat my lovely pixels, and luckily enough i am safe and have all my attachments in place. I am sooooo gonna go back when i can spend more than a few minutes exploring. Here’s a small sample of the beauty you can find at Neverwhere.

Have a nice day everyone!!!